Astral Projection Exposed: Sleep Paralysis & The Demonic Realm

Odhalenie astrálnej projekcie: Paralýza v spánku & démonická ríša

By Steven Bancarz| Astral projection is the practice of willfully disconnecting your mind or soul from your body and travelling around in a parallel spiritual realm called “the astral realm”.

This is the name given to a dimension right above us on a higher plane, thought it looks the exact same as our natural world because it’s the same universe just on a higher level.
The metaphysical component of you that animates your physical body is believed to be an energetic imprint of your physical body almost like a phantom, or a ghost, and when this part of you leaves your physical body while your body is still alive, this is called “astral projection”.  When outside of one’s body, a person exists, theoretically, as a disembodied soul.

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